Lucknow Public School is a CBSE affiliated school in Lucknow, India. Founded in 2003
It is one of the reputed educations in institution in Lucknow. Located opposite
Kalindi Park The institution is placed close to residential Vrindavan Yojna a locality
which is one of the most popular residential places in Lucknow.
Lucknow Public School, Vrindavan Yojna, is a school which encourages sharing, giving
growth opportunities and freedom of implementation of ideas, the institution aims
at imparting quality education making students morally and spiritually enlightened,
inculcating self-confidence and preparing them for future challenges and endeavours'.
LPS, Vrindavan Yojna caters to the needs of the students of all sections of the
society from class Nursery to 9th. The medium of instruction is English. Special
emphasis is laid on English speaking and writing skills. The academics standard
through a team of well qualified Teachers. We have an excellent teacher-student
ratio to cater every individual attention and care.
There is a well-equipped library in the school with around more than 5000 books, which offers a wide range of topics including encyclopedia, fiction, non-fiction,
refreshers etc.
The school also houses well-equipped Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computers & Maths
Labs. The school team, comprising of the Principal and faculty has been
continuously string to improve the quality of education, as well as the calibre
of student enrolling in the school. We believe in stimulated teaching.
LPS provides inclusive, affordable and high quality education making it one of the
prestigious institutions of the city.
Apart from clinched textbook knowledge, the school also focuses on the development
of the child.